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Choosing the Right Veneers: A Guide with Dr. Kathryn Ryan at Parkway Prosthodontics in Jacksonville, FL

Whether you're considering a complete smile makeover or seeking to address a specific cosmetic concern, veneers can be a highly effective solution for achieving your desired results. Veneers are thin, custom-made shells designed to cover the front surface of your teeth, improving their appearance and giving you a brighter, more even smile. At Parkway Prosthodontics in Jacksonville, FL, Dr. Kathryn Ryan offers two primary types of dental veneers: porcelain and composite. Each type has its unique advantages, and determining which option is best for you involves considering several factors.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are high-quality, ultra-thin shells of porcelain that are custom-designed to fit over the visible surfaces of your front teeth. These veneers are perfect for treating multiple dental flaws at once, giving you a flawless smile that stands out for all the right reasons. One of the key benefits of porcelain veneers is their resistance to staining—more so than natural enamel—so you can enjoy a bright, beautiful smile for 10-15 years or even longer with proper care.

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers, on the other hand, are made from engineered resin that is applied directly to the top layer of your teeth. Dr. Kathryn Ryan skillfully matches the resin to the shade of your surrounding teeth, ensuring a natural and seamless appearance. Composite veneers can often be applied in a single visit, making them a quicker solution for patients looking to improve their smile without the wait.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Veneers

Aesthetic Goals

The aesthetics of porcelain veneers are unparalleled. The translucent properties of porcelain allow these veneers to mimic the way natural teeth reflect light, offering a truly lifelike appearance. While composite resin veneers also look great, they cannot match the brilliance and stain resistance of porcelain. If you choose porcelain veneers for most of your upper and lower teeth, you may no longer need to worry about whitening your natural teeth. Composite veneers, on the other hand, can stain over time, just like natural teeth.


When it comes to durability, porcelain veneers typically outlast composite veneers. With proper care, porcelain veneers can last 10-15 years, while composite veneers generally last 4-8 years. Although porcelain is more fragile, once bonded to a healthy tooth, it becomes extremely durable. Composite is strong but not as robust as porcelain and is more prone to chipping. However, if a composite veneer chips, it can often be repaired, whereas a damaged porcelain veneer would need to be replaced entirely.

Treatment Time

For those seeking a fast transformation, composite veneers offer the advantage of being applied chairside in just one visit. Dr. Kathryn Ryan will add the resin to your teeth, cure it, and polish it, allowing you to walk out of Parkway Prosthodontics in Jacksonville, FL, with a brand-new smile the same day. Porcelain veneers, however, require a bit more time and precision. Dr. Ryan will first remove a thin layer of your tooth enamel, take impressions, and send them to a dental lab for custom fabrication. While you wait for your permanent veneers, you’ll wear temporary ones. On your second visit, your custom porcelain veneers will be bonded to your teeth, providing a durable and aesthetically pleasing result.


Initially, porcelain veneers are more expensive than composite veneers. This is due to the time, expertise, and resources required for their placement. The dental lab that Dr. Kathryn Ryan works with at Parkway Prosthodontics in Jacksonville, FL, is carefully selected to ensure the highest quality restorations. However, when you consider the longer lifespan of porcelain veneers compared to composite veneers, the cost may even out over time, as composite veneers may require more frequent replacement or repair.


Both types of veneers require regular oral hygiene practices, but porcelain veneers are more resistant to staining and discoloration. Composite veneers, while durable, may stain over time and may require periodic polishing to maintain their appearance.

Antes y Después - Corona PP 1.png

Algunos de los múltiples beneficios del tratamiento cosmético con carillas de porcelana incluyen:

  • Cómodo: aunque casi siempre usaremos anestesia local para garantizar su comodidad, el proceso de colocación de las carillas es tan simple y mínimamente invasivo que es posible que los pacientes ni siquiera necesiten este anestésico suave.

  • Cosmético: un plan de tratamiento de carillas personalizado puede transformar los dientes más defectuosos en hermosas sonrisas.

  • Calidad: elaboradas con porcelana de grado dental de la más alta calidad, sus carillas de porcelana lucirán geniales y funcionarán perfectamente en los años venideros.


Ideal Candidates for Porcelain Veneers

Los pacientes que quieran realizar cambios significativos en la apariencia de sus sonrisas sin pasar meses en tratamientos complejos pueden considerar la posibilidad de utilizar carillas de porcelana. Son ideales para pacientes que tienen cualquiera de las siguientes preocupaciones cosméticas:

  • Esmalte desgastado: los años de desgaste pueden afectar la apariencia de los dientes, y las carillas de porcelana pueden recrear una sonrisa natural y saludable.

  • Manchas profundas: cuando los tratamientos de blanqueamiento tradicionales en el consultorio o en casa no son efectivos para eliminar las manchas, las carillas de porcelana pueden ocultar la estructura dental descolorida.

  • Dientes espaciados de manera desigual: a veces denominadas “ortodoncia instantánea”, las carillas de porcelana se pueden usar para corregir el apiñamiento o los grandes espacios en las sonrisas.


El tratamiento con carillas de porcelana requiere dos viajes a nuestra oficina. Durante la visita inicial, eliminaremos una pequeña cantidad de esmalte dental superficial. Esto permite que su carilla se ajuste a la línea natural de sus dientes sin agregar ninguna estructura adicional que pueda cambiar la sensación de su mordida. Una vez preparados los dientes, tomamos impresiones para el laboratorio dental. Estas impresiones se utilizan para elaborar las carillas de porcelana finales. Antes de salir del consultorio, el dentista le colocará una carilla temporal que le permitirá acostumbrarse a la apariencia de su nueva sonrisa mientras el laboratorio elabora su restauración final. Cuando recibamos su carilla personalizada, regresará a nuestra oficina para cambiar su temporal por una corona dental personalizada.

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