Damaged or missing teeth negatively affect your self-confidence and quality of life, but there are numerous treatments available that can restore your beautiful and healthy smile. Dr. Kathryn Ryan, an expert prosthodontist in Jacksonville, FL, is dedicated to finding the right treatment for every patient to replace missing teeth and improve oral health. In many cases, dental implants can help patients regain comfortable speaking and eating ability, as well as create a natural looking smile.
Dentures and dental implants are both solutions to missing teeth and Dr. Ryan can determine which is the right treatment for your unique situation. Generally, patients need adequate gum tissue and bone to hold implants and must be willing to practice good oral hygiene consistently. If dental implants are right for you, there are several advantages you can enjoy including:
Stable, permanent solution
Reduced risk of bone loss
Replacement of one or many teeth
Crowns that are virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth. In many cases, dental implant placement can be completed in one of two visits to our office.
Dr. Ryan may recommend the All-on-4® technique for dental implants if it is the right solution for you. Many patients find that these implants are an affordable permanent replacement for dentures. As the name suggests, tooth restoration materials are stabilized by just four titanium implants placed strategically in the jawbone. Some of the benefits of All-on-4® dental implants vs. dentures are:
Immediate results, in some cases requiring only one appointment
Permanent solution not requiring modifications, replacements, or adhesives
Natural look for a gorgeous smile
Freedom to eat most foods
May improve oral bone health
Efficient and affordable
If you are missing teeth or wondering about dental implants or other alternatives to dentures, contact our office today for a consultation. Our staff will evaluate your unique needs and formulate a solution to help restore the natural beauty and comfortable use of your teeth.